Our web uses cookies in order to improve our service and provide users with a better experience. This policy explains how do we do it.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file which contains a small amount of data, and is downloaded by the device that you use to access our website and is stored on the hard disk of that device. These cookies have several uses, allowing our website to recognize your device when you visit again, ensuring you receive the correct content and save information with preferences or services that you have provided.

We use the word cookies in this policy to refer to all files that store information in this way. Web beacons and similar files also have the same behavior.

Which cookies do we use?

Cookies in our website are divided between the following categories:

Changing your browser preferences

You can change the preferences of your browser to limit which cookies should allow access. These preferences are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser.

You can find more information here, or in the "Help" menu of your browser:

However, if you change your preferences and block cookies, some of the functionalities of our website will be not work and you will not be able to fully enjoy the characteristics of our website.